Reading the Congressional Tea Leaves on Impeachment

Line of the day: “While Pelosi and her allies have been figuring out the best way to turn up the temperature, the president and his allies—flouting laws and resisting subpoenas at every turn—have been burning down the house.”

But this whole piece by Alex Shephard is a good rundown on the state of play of the impeachment debate among congressional Democrats. It’s been my sense that at some point, the Democrats would not so much have to make a choice about impeachment as have it forced upon them by a reckless and autocratic president whose only path to avoiding jail time or removal from office is to destroy our country. That point seems to be arriving. I also note for reference the tension Speaker Nancy Pelosi seems to be struggling with between pushing forward a Democratic agenda and fearing the public will see Democrats as overly preoccupied with impeachment. Shephard has some good critiques of this, and I hope to offer a few more soon.