New Information About Funding of Ukraine Plot Strengthens Case for Open-Ended Impeachment Inquiry

There is blockbuster news out about Rudy Guiliani that, among other things, points up the folly of the Democrats’ rush to finish up the impeachment of Donald Trump while damning facts continue to emerge. We have now learned that Lev Parnas, an associate of Guiliani who assisted in the campaign to conscript Ukraine in a scheme to slander Joe Biden, received $1 million in funds from a Russian oligarch close to Vladimir Putin. As Jonathan Chait summarizes the import of the this information, “Trump’s Ukraine plot appears to have been financed by Russia.”

Of course, this news is only politically harmful to Donald Trump if the Democrats choose to place it in the larger story they have been telling of the president’s betrayal of his oath of office. It seems incredible to me that Russian funding of the president’s scheme wouldn’t be promoted to the forefront of their allegations against him.