Early Signs That Macron Doesn't Know How to Fix What Ails France

It looks like France’s experiment with centrist Emmanuel Macron is turning into more politics as usual.  As Sarah Jones at New Republic recounts, his economic proposals would seem to be indistinguishable from what a conservative Republican in the U.S. might propose — tax cuts that disproportionately benefit the rich, and a weakening of unions.  Jones points to the parallels in the Democratic Party today, where a resurgent Bernie-left movement is working against common wisdom that the center’s where it’s at, even as the center has failed to address spiraling inequality in our country.  Thank god Macron beat Marine LePen, but France’s failure to restore prosperity will only spark new energy for her proto-fascist movement.  Here’s hoping both our countries get it together and start building an economy that works for ordinary people, not the already well-to-do or hyper-rich.