I Guess Home Depot Wasn't Having a Sale on Pitchforks, Too?

What is happening in Charlottesville is a disturbing situation, but a clear victory for the importance of free speech rights to letting our country hash out its conflicts. Free to fully advertise their ideas, these neo-Nazis and white supremacists have in a single blow destroyed their effort to re-brand themselves as the "alt-right"; have demonstrated how they find grotesque and unforgivable inspiration in the ideas and rites of the Third Reich; have shown how these Nazi ideas flow seamlessly into more American-bred white supremacy; have created indelible images of their fundamental American-ness and, frankly, inherent evil; have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the symbols of the Confederacy, its flags and monuments, are not benign ways to honor ancestors, but are vectors for continued racism and hatred; have provoked a backlash across our country that sooner or later will send them scurrying back under their rocks.