Donald Trump’s Efforts to Undermine NATO Continue

As we noted recently, Donald Trump’s assault on our country’s alliances and allies is one of the most hidden-in-plain-view impending disasters of this presidency.  This issue got renewed attention when, during his visit to NATO headquarters last month, he dropped language from his speech that would have re-affirmed the U.S.’ commitment to defend its NATO allies.  President Trump finally re-iterated this commitment last week, but as Talking Points Memo points out, he also included remarks that seem to be laying the groundwork for further disparagement and attacks on the organization; as TPM puts it, he seems to be continually moving the goalposts in a way that NATO members will not be able to meet and that seem intended to sow conflict with the organization.  The idea of the United States working to break apart an alliance that is ultimately very much in our interests is deeply unsettling, and should be used by the opposition both to pummel Trump and a Republican Party that seems no longer to believe that the U.S. should find common cause with other democracies.