A Real Kick in Djibouti!

This New York Times article snagged me with its vivid snapshot of geopolitical change, but it's also remarkable for the number of threads for further inquiry that it opens up.  The Chinese are opening a naval base in Djibouti, a stone's throw from a U.S. facility in that African country - and this will be the first unexpected shock for many: forget the Chinese base, what about ours?!  It further turns out that the Chinese are heavy investors in Djibouti, and the article suggests without pinning down any official statements that the Chinese were able to leverage their financial sway over this country into securing the naval facility (for which they are also paying).  While the comments from U.S. officials mainly revolve around the notion of military competition with the Chinese, the real nugget for me is the reminder that while the U.S. is squandering billions to make endless war in the greater Middle East, the Chinese are investing, building, and otherwise conducting an exploitative but rational foreign policy.  The contrast could not be starker.