A Postmodern Take on The Last Supper at Mar-a-Lago

Amid so many grotesque outrages already committed by this young administration, how is it possible that new and original ones keep getting pumped out?  Maybe this is where the president's truest talent lies, in the imaginative production of increasingly audacious violations of decency?  At any rate, the spectacle that Donald Trump consciously created on a Mar-a-Lago dining patio yesterday, as his team huddled in response to a North Korean missile test, is in some ways the most visually amazing event so far.  Photos taken by nearby diners reveal a setting that may in retrospect be viewed as Donald Trump's very own Last Supper, at which his idiocy and lack of the most basic understanding of his new job's gravity was revealed for all the world to see, as momentous affairs of state were conducted in the Florida night for all to see or overhear.

In a New York Times article by Elizabeth Williamson titled "The 'Caddyshack' President," she writes that "The news conference took place after Mr. Trump held a meeting with Mr. Abe and their entourages out in the open in the club dining terrace, examining documents and talking on a commercial cellphone as guests drifted by and took photos, servers reached over the papers to deposit the entree, and Mike Flynn, his national security adviser, held up his phone, on flashlight setting, so everybody could get a good look." 


And now, of course, tonight, flashlight holder Mike Flynn has resigned, as allegations of his possibly illegal pre-inauguration conversations with the Russian ambassador have finally gained too much gravity to ignore.

One thing, obvious but needing to be made explicit: after all the hounding of Hillary Clinton about her goddamn email server, Trump just up and conducts classified business for all to see and hear, showing off to all the guests willing to pony up $200,000 for club membership.  We have truly entered a debauched, Bacchanalian era where national security is concerned.