Making the Trumpocalypse More Than a Metaphor

As if we needed still more evidence that this man is unfit for the presidency and is a danger to our democracy, Donald Trump has now tweeted his support for the U.S. expanding its nuclear weapons capabilities.  Worse than this, and despite advisors' attempts to spin his comments as being anti-proliferation, Trump doubled down the next days, telling an interviewer "Let it be an arms race."  I don't know how it could be made more clear to us that the abolition of nuclear weapons should be a far higher priority than it's been over the past several administrations.  We are now cursed with a president whose clear lack of judgment and experience makes it more possible than ever that these weapons might be used; and these recent comments of his only feed these worries.  A reversal of decades of U.S. nuclear policy changes announced via Twitter?  Is this a bad dream?  Donald Trump's casual bluster about weapons of apocalypse may be the strongest reason yet to oppose and defeat this monster at every opportunity.