Stripped Down

So Trump's tweets have for now moved from lies about how he actually won the popular vote - lies that, given his new position of power and responsibility, are a direct attack on our democracy, lies that sow doubt about our basic democratic procedures, lies so reprehensible that they disqualify him from the presidency - to a seemingly new subject: the proper punishment for flag-burners.

Intriguingly, this fresh topic naturally invites a broader discussion of what political activities should be considered so outrageous, so far beyond the pale, such an insult and danger to our traditions, that the perpetrator should actually be stripped of citizenship, and presumably exiled into the foreign-tongued hellhole that is the rest of planet Earth.

In Trump's eyes, flag-burning qualifies as one such taboo behavior. For him, it's an assault on the sacred symbol of the United States, and is literally unforgivable. To attack the idea of America in this way means you're no longer fit for political participation or inclusion.

Somewhat surprisingly, I have to say that I agree with Donald Trump: there ARE some activities that are such a violation of our democratic norms that the perpetrator should face significant punishment, as a way to preserve the integrity of our political union. Personally, I think political violence is one of these activities; I also happen to think that attempts to deny the vote to American citizens based on race is another, but, hey, that's just me! But the big one, the one that really leaps out at me, is when a political figure makes repeated, direct attacks on the basic foundations of our democracy, whether by lying about the outcome of an election or - well, actually, I'll stop there. That's the one that's really bugging me right now.

Here's my modest proposal, in the name of finding common ground, defusing tensions, and all that jazz. While I'm NOT going to agree to stripping citizenship from one of these taboo-violaters, be they a hippie flag-burner or a president-elect with authoritarian tendencies who lies about the popular vote being stolen from him, I do agree there need to be consequences for violating essential democratic norms. So let's make it simple: let's say that in both cases - stinky hippie flag-burner and politician attacking actual foundation of democracy - that person is disqualified from holding political office. You're still a citizen, you can still talk about politics (although who's going to listen to what YOU say, drugged-out stinky hippie flag-burner? Go back to the 60's, dude!) -- but hold a position of power in our country? No way, Jorge! You're too divisive, and just don't get what democracy is all about. But hey, look on the bright side - you can always RENOUNCE your citizenship and move somewhere else that fits your politics better - perhaps Flagburnatopia (it borders Shredtheconstitutionstan), or Putin's Russia? You'll probably fit right in - best of luck to you both!