The Graft to Come

I'm choosing to be reassured by the general air of incompetence and in-fighting that surrounds the Trump transition effort.  Let's hope this is a sign of things to come in the Trump administration.  We're also seeing signs of the deep corruption to come, whether it's the outsize role of his kids and son-in-law Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump's company trying to leverage jewelry sales off her 60 Minutes appearance, the signs that Trump's assets won't be put in anything resembling a blind trust, unified Republican rule, the above-noted general air of incompetence, and the basic fact that America's greatest con man just conned his way into the White House.  These Trumpsters simply don't think like the rest of us.  They're all about the grift; I seriously doubt that Trump has given a minute of thought to the idea of ethics rules in his entire life.