Abannon Ship!

So it seems Congressional Republicans aren't going to say anything bad about the Donald's choice for chief advisor, Steve Bannon, despite the fact that Bannon was editor of a website known as a hub for racist, anti-Semitic, and misogynistic political movements.  They've clearly received talking points that emphasize his naval service and time as a Goldman Sachs employee, as if these pieces of his curriculum vitae somehow negate or absolve him of the abhorrent far right associations.  I say the fact that he's well-educated and has served his country make things far, far more damning for him.  This guy has no excuse for what we might call ignorant or benighted positions - he's simply an intellectual racist.  You say we should give him a break because he was a Naval officer?  I say he dishonors the uniform by his rancid, un-American politics.  This guy doesn't belong in government employ, let alone the White House.  The Republicans have bit into a real shit sandwich here.  This one's going to haunt them as long as Bannon's around the White House, and rightly so.